Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fayerabend's Objection

Objects to the measuring sticks for knowledge across cultures; these include observations, experiments, measurement, etc, as basis for scientific truth. Any method that narrows things down to a stable set of parameters is anathema to Fayerabend; not even language is main element of reality.

Overlapping paradigms:
(17) The creation of a theme (the relationship between idea and action) juxtaposed with propaganda, brainwashing. Facts are constructed from raw data and interpretation...it's a process of symbolizing. The fact is already a construction (see Bacon). Even the medium that light moves in skews what we see.
Philosophy is important in this discussion because there are a lot of assumptions made
(21) linear accumulation is being called into question here
(22)...facts and statements..calls into question the accumulation of knowledge and discipline and the testing of fact against what? Criticism of sensory data and the medium that the data goes through being abstract and not being subject to criticism.can't compare a fact to the material medium because of the related problems (medium, ideal, ) how do you check a fact? what do you compare it to; not even critical rationality (Popper's falsification--to prove something is true you have to prove it's false). We can compare facts to a dreamworld (22). You wipe the slate and admit everything into science.
All things being equal, a fairy tale equals science--depending on different belief systems...

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